
Voltage fluctuation is a common problem in India, and it can damage your refrigerators. Even a slight fluctuation in the voltage can have a huge impact on the efficiency of your refrigerator.

Downtime of the refrigerator could be a big problem, especially in scorching summer heat. The solution to this problem is a servo stabilizer.

The Threat: Voltage Fluctuations and Your Refrigerator

In India, the power grid experiences frequent voltage fluctuations. The voltage can spike above the standard voltage limit of 230 VAC. And the dips could be dangerously low. The surges and dips can impact the compressor of the refrigerator. The compressor is the heart of the cooling system in a refrigerator.

Voltage spikes: A sudden increase in the voltage can overload the compressor of the refrigerator. It can cause permanent damage to the compressor or completely fail the working of the refrigerator.

Voltage dips: When the voltage drops from its standard level, the compressor struggles hard to keep the refrigerator’s cooling system working. The inability to cool puts strain on the motors, reduces their lifespan, and increases their consumption of energy.

What is the result of spikes and dips? It results in costly repairs, early replacements, and spoiling food. All three results would put a hole in your pocket and spoil your peace of mind.

The Savior: Servo Stabilizers – Champions of Consistent Power

The servo stabilizer works like a guardian angle for your refrigerator. First, it continuously monitors the incoming voltage and then regulates it to a normal and consistent level.

Here is how the servo stabilizer protects your refrigerator:

Instead of waiting for the fluctuation to damage your compressor, you must proactively buy a servo stabilizer to prevent any damage.

Protection from Spikes: When the voltage increases above the normal level, the servo stabilizer works as a buffer. It absorbs the excess voltage and supplies a safe level of voltage to your fridge.

Correction of Dips: When the voltage decreases below the normal level, the servo stabilizer works as a booster. It reinforces the incoming voltage to a safe level and helps your fridge to optimally perform.

The benefits extend beyond immediate protection:

Extended Lifespan: With a consistent power supply, there is the least amount of wear and tear on the compressor. It helps the compressor be at peak performance for a longer period of time, thus increasing the lifespan of your refrigerator.

Reduce energy consumption: With an optimal voltage level, the refrigerator will operate with normal energy consumption, resulting in reduced electricity bills.

Peace of Mind: If you know that your fridge is protected from voltage fluctuation, especially during unpredictable weather, you will not be anxious about the safety of your refrigerator.

Choosing the Right Servo Stabilizer for Your Refrigerator

With so many options available on the market, finding the right servo stabilizer for your refrigerator could be difficult. Here are some of the points you must remember before buying a servo stabilizer:

Refrigerator capacity: Match the power consumption of your refrigerator with the stabilizer’s capacity. The capacity of the stabilizer is determined by its VA rating. The standard practice is to buy a servo stabilizer with a capacity of 20 to 25 percent higher than your refrigerator’s rating to manage any surge in the currents.

Voltage Range: Consider the range of voltage fluctuations in your area. Choose a stabilizer with a wide range of input voltages. It will allow the stabilizer to manage the voltage fluctuations.

Brand Reputation: Always buy stabilizers manufactured by reputed companies. It ensures the quality of the device and reliable performance.

Investing in Savings: The Cost-Effectiveness of Servo Stabilizers

Buying a servo stabilizer is not an expense but an investment. It will help you save a lot of money in the long term.

Reduced repair costs: Voltage fluctuations damage the compressors of your refrigerators. Stabilizers help prevent such damages. Thus, you avoid costly repairs and replacements.

Lower energy bills: A constant power supply helps the refrigerator work at its peak with lower electricity consumption. Lower electricity consumption leads to lower electricity bills.

Food Preservation: When your refrigerator performs well, it allows your food to stay fresh for a longer period of time, and you save money on groceries.


Servo stabilizers are not just an accessory for your fridge but also necessary insurance against damages. It increases the life span of your refrigerators by protecting them from damage caused by voltage fluctuations.

Shielded from voltage fluctuations, the fridge performs better, and you save a lot of money on costly repairs and replacements.

Your food stays safe and fresh for longer, which helps you save money on groceries.

Instead of waiting for the fluctuation to damage your compressor, you must proactively buy a servo stabilizer to prevent any damage.

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